Will the real Dwayne Johnson, please stand up? Pics of his lookalike go viral

‘The Rock’ has found his doppelganger in Alabama-based sheriff Eric Fields. Fields resemblance to Dwayne Johnson is uncanny and even the actor acknowledges it.

Zee News Sep 01, 2021, 15:57 PM IST,

Dwayne Johnson lookalike photo has gone viral

Dwayne Johnson's lookalike photo has gone viral. 'The Rock' has found a doppelganger in Alabama-based sheriff Eric Fields - who is often requested by the locals for a picture because of his resemblance to the actor.


The Rock reacts to the viral photo

Dwayne Johnson aka 'The Rock' has reacted to the viral photo of sheriff Eric Fields. "Oh shit! Wow. Guy on the left is way cooler. Stay safe brother and thank you for your service. One day we’ll drink @Teremana and I need to hear all your “Rock stories” because I KNOW you got ‘em," wrote Dwayne.


Eric Fields responds to Dwayne Johnsons tweet

Eric responded to the 49 years old actor's tweet and replied, "@TheRock Thanks brother & cheers Clinking beer mugs @Teremana" with a picture of himself posing with a bottle of Teremana - a tequila company owned by The Rock.



Eric Fields talks about being mistaken as The Rock


Speaking to AL.com, Eric had said, “I’ve been called The Rock and Vin Diesel’s love child.” 37-year-old Eric has been working as a police officer for 17 years and described his new-found internet fame “humorous and flattering.”


Could you spot any differences in Erics pictures?

Going through Eric's photos could you spot any differences between Dwayne and The Sheriff?


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