Hoshiarpur: Canada's Indian-origin Defence Minister Harjit Singh Sajjan was on Thursday accorded a warm reception at his ancestral village of Bambeli, 15 km from here.


A tight security arrangement was made by police for the Canadian Defence minister's visit.

The entire route from Hoshiarpur-Mahilpur road to Bambeli village was decorated by installing big hoardings in honour of Sajjan, who was visiting his native village after 16 years, and on the way, people showered petals on his cavalcade.

He first paid obeisance to the village Gurdwara and was presented a 'Siropa' (robe of honour) jointly by Granthi Onkar Singh and manager of the Gurdwara Balbir Singh.

After paying obeisance, he went to his house to join his family.