Chennai: Renowned director-actor G Marimuthu passed away on Friday due to cardiac arrest at a private hospital in Chennai. He died of cardiac arrest today around 8:30 a.m at a private hospital in the city. Marimuthu collapsed while dubbing his voice for a television serial. Then, he was rushed to a private hospital in Vadapalani, where he was declared dead.


The actor’s fans, family members and friends pay tribute to him at his residence in Chennai. He will be taken to his native place in Theni District by 6 pm today and last rites will be performed. Marimuthu was recently seen in Rajinikanth starrer 'Jailer' movie.

After learning of the filmmaker's death, the members of the film industry took to social media to pay their condolences.

Sun Pictures, which produced ‘Jailer’ took to X (formerly known as Twitter) and posted, “Condolences! Your work has been impeccable and irreplaceable. Rest in peace #Marimuthu."

G Marimuthu began his career as a filmmaker with 'Kannum Kannum' in 2008. In addition to directing films, he has played a number of interesting roles in Tamil films. He collaborated with lyricist Vairamuthu in the early stages of his career. In Tamil films, he also served as an assistant director.

His memorable performances include 'Vaali,' 'Jeeva,' 'Pariyerum Perumal,' and 'Jailer,' to name a few. He has been a part of the Tamil television series 'Ethir Neechal' since 2022. Marimuthu was a YouTube sensation whose opinions trend on social media platforms.