New Delhi: Abhishek Bachchan and her sister Shweta Bachchan Nanda celebrated Raksha Bandhan with their whole family in Mumbai on Thursday. Pictures from the celebrations were posted by Shweta on Instagram and it looks like they had loads of fun together. 


Naina Bachchan, Abhishek and Shweta's cousin, who is married to actor Kunal Kapoor, also joined them. Shweta's children Navya Naveli and Agastya and Abhishek and Aishwarya Rai Bachchan's daughter Aaradhya are also seen in the pictures. 

"Brothers and sisters," read the caption of a picture which features all of them together. Navya looks lovely in a yellow salwar kameez and Aaradhya is seen in a white and red lehenga. 

Look at the picture here. Their smiles say it all. 

This picture of Navya and Agastya is frame-worthy. Isn't it?


Shweta Bachchan Nanda, thank you for posting these wonderful pictures!

On the eve of Raksha Bandhan, megastar Amitabh Bachchan also posted throwback pictures of his children Shweta and Abhishek with a beautiful message. 

How did you celebrate Raksha Bandhan? Tell us in the comments section below.