New Delhi: Social media went into a tizzy when an entertainment portal came up with the news that ace designer Manish Malhotra has confirmed his alleged relationship with producer Karan Johar just because he liked a comment that had called them a 'couple'. Later, when Manish was contacted by a news portal to comment on the same, he expressed his disgust over the story.


When Indiatimes contacted Manish Malhotra to comment on the alleged link-up rumours with Karan Johar, he said, "Karan is like a brother to me. It’s just ridiculous."

It all started when Manish posted a picture with Karan Johar to wish him on his birthday and wrote, "Happy happy birthday my dearest bestest friend @karanjohar have a wonderful year ahead 25!years of friendship and working together..and many more years to come and may you keep making the most wonderful films and keep being the spirited person that you are #karanjohar #friendship #friendslikefamily #Bff @mmalhotraworld.

Manish's Instagram post was flooded with birthday wishes for KJo and one of the Instagram users even wrote, "You guys are the cutest couple." Manish liked the comment which was enough to trigger off reports of him confirming his relationship with Karan Johar.