New Delhi: The US space agency has released a beautiful image taken by its Juno spacecraft, that highlighted a feature on Jupiter where multiple atmospheric conditions appear to collide.


The photograph was taken on March 27, 2017, at 2:06 am PDT (5:06 a.m. EDT), as the Juno spacecraft performed a close flyby of Jupiter. The spacecraft was 7,900 miles (12,700 kilometers) from the planet when the image was taken.

According to NASA, the publicly selected target is called “STB Spectre.” The ghostly bluish streak across the right half of the image is a long-lived storm, one of the few structures perceptible in these whitened latitudes where the south temperate belt of Jupiter would normally be.

The egg-shaped spot on the lower left is where incoming small dark spots make a hairpin turn.

The image was processed by Roman Tkachenko, and the description is from John Rogers, the citizen scientist who identified the point of interest, as reported.