Washington: Support for the war in Afghanistan has dropped sharply in the US following a series of violent incidents in the war-torn country, according to a new poll. More than two-thirds of those polled, 69 per cent, are against war in Afghanistan, as against 53 per cent four months ago, according to the nationwide poll conducted by The New York Times and CBS News,
The increased disillusionment was even more pronounced when respondents were asked their impressions of how the war was going.
"The poll found that 68 per cent thought the fighting was going "somewhat badly" or "very badly," compared with 42 per cent who had those impressions in November," The New York Times said. The Times/CBS News poll was consistent with other surveys this month that showed a drop in support for the war, it said, adding that in The Washington Post/ABC News poll, 60 per cent of respondents said the war in Afghanistan had not been worth the fighting, while 57 per cent in a Pew Research Centre poll said that the US should bring home American troops as soon as possible.
In a Gallup/USA Today poll, 50 per cent of respondents said the United States should speed up the withdrawal from Afghanistan.
According to The New York Times/CBS News poll, negative impressions of the war have grown among Republicans as well as Democrats.