New Delhi: With Kerala Chief Minister Oomen Chandy pushing for removal of Additional Solicitor General Harin Raval from the case involving the Italian ship, Union Law Ministry on Saturday said no decision has been taken so far on the issue.
Sources in the Law Ministry said tonight any decision would be taken by the Attorney General in consultation with Law Minister Salman Khurshid. Earlier in the day, livid over the U-turn made by Raval in the Italian ship case, Kerala Chief Minister Oommen Chandy said he has got him dropped from the case even as the Centre distanced itself from the ASG`s remarks.
Chandy said he had spoken to Solicitor General Rohinton Nariman asking him not to allow Raval to appear in the case. "The SG has agreed to this," he told reporters.
Raval`s submission in the Supreme court had drawn sharp reactions in Kerala with the family of the victims, the Latin Catholic Church and fishery unions expressing shock and anguish over the matter. Seizing on the development, the critics said ASG`s submission amounted to reinforcing Italy`s assertion that Indian courts had no jurisdiction to try the case since the alleged incident happened when the ship was in international waters.