New Delhi: Team Anna`s protest against a "weak" Lokpal Bill remained a damp squib for the second day on Wednesday as supporters refused to be drawn to Ramlila Maidan.
Security personnel were more visible as barely 200 people gathered at the 30,000-capacity Maidan here this morning and even prominent Team Anna members were conspicuous by their absence.
This is in sharp contrast to the 30,000 to 40,000 people who had poured in during Anna Hazare`s fast at this venue in August. His two other fasts at Jantar Mantar in the past eight months had also witnessed a large turnout. Organisers attributed the thin crowd to winter chill and absence of Anna Hazare.
The protest was scheduled to start at 10 am but even after an hour, the Ramlila Maidan wore a deserted look with a handful of supporters. Recorded music was played at the venue with the supporters waving tricolour and launching into sporadic sloganeering against government.
The protest had elicited a lukewarm response yesterday with the programme starting with a low 500 turnout. This morning the numbers dwindled.