Lucknow: The Uttar Pradesh government has transferred Principal Secretary, Law, and legal advisor, K K Sharma, official sources said here. Sharma has been transferred to Agra as District Judge in place of Zaki Ahmad Khan, who has been posted as the new Principal Secretary, Law and legal advisor, they said. Before being appointed as the principal secretary, Sharma was District Judge in Barabanki. The Allahabad High Court, while ordering a CBI inquiry into high security number plates on Tuesday last, had made some strong observations regarding members of the judiciary working in the government on deputation. "Things become worse, when members of judiciary working in the government on deputation or otherwise, as advisor or Legal Remembrancer, come in toe with bureaucrats and politicians and refrain themselves from giving firm and correct advice for extraneous reasons," the bench observed.
"Time has come when members of subordinate judiciary working in the Office of Legal Remembrancer as advisor or other places, must be imparted training to be firm while tendering advice to the government. Otherwise, message will go to the people that all are `hand in glove` while perpetuating corruption in the system of governance," it said. The bench said High Court or Chief Justice should find some means to regulate the conduct of its officers working in government as advisors.