New York: A "psychotic" Indian mother, who threw her 19-month-old baby into the Hudson river two years ago, has been allowed to return home to reunite with her daughters after a court here was told that her mental condition had improved.
Manhattan Supreme Court Justice Gregory Carro sanctioned the reunion on Saturday after noting that Devi Silvia, 34, has been in remission from bi-polar disorder and reliably continuing with medication and treatment. He said she "had no idea what was happening to her" when Silva threw her daughter into the river and leaped in herself in May 2010.
"Silvia told authorities at the time that she pulled the near-fatal stunt to get revenge on her husband for moving the family out of India and hopscotching them around the United States through his low-pay tech job with Oracle," The New York Post reported.
The now-healthy girl and her eight-year-old sister have been living in India with the sister of Silvia`s husband, the daily said. Her attorney told the court that she was mentally ill and had suffered a psychotic break at the time of the incident.
Yesterday, the judge said Silvia could serve her five years` probation in India providing she keeps the court, prosecutors and state mental health officials apprised of her whereabouts and continued progress in therapy, reported The New York Post.