Hyderabad: In a veiled attack on Chief Minister N Kiran Kumar Reddy, Andhra Pradesh Health Minister DL Ravindra Reddy on Thursday alleged that he may be having a tacit understanding with Kadapa MP YS Jagan Mohan Reddy, drawing flak from the party.
Referring to the critical remarks made against him by Congress MLA G Veerasiva Reddy and former party MLA N Varadarajula Reddy yesterday, Ravindra Reddy asked why the person who "prompted them to speak against him never attacked Jagan". "You say I am a `covert`. He encouraged you to say this. Ok, I am a covert. But, you ask why he could not give any statement on Jagan Mohan Reddy," Ravindra Reddy told reporters in Kadapa district.
"You ask the person who prompted you to give a strong statement against me... To speak against Jagan," he said. Condemning the remarks of Ravindra Reddy, Congress chief whip Gandra Venkata Ramana Reddy said the minister should withdraw his comments.
"These comments do not help the party. They bring disrepute to the party and government. They hurt the feelings of party activists. Such comments should not be made in future in the interest of the party and they should be withdrawn," he said.
Ravindra Reddy has made critical remarks against the Chief Minister, albeit indirectly, several times. He had offered to quit when he was divested of some key portfolios in a Cabinet reshuffle several months ago.
Meanwhile, state Congress president Botsa Satyanarayana said he is seeking a clarification on the "unwanted comments made by various leaders".