Jammu: In the wake of notices issued to Chief Minister and several others by the State Accountability Commission, Opposition parties on Friday staged a protest and later walked out from the Jammu and Kashmir Legislative Assembly demanding a debate over the issue. As the Assembly sitting began today, opposition PDP led by Mehbooba Mufti demanded adjournment of the Question Hour and a debate over the issue of high-level corruption, nepotism and favouritism in the wake of notices issued by the SAC to the Chief Minister and several cabinet ministers.
Notice for the adjournment of the Question Hour has already been given to the Speaker Mohammad Akbar Lone yesterday, she said.
However, the House was not suspended by the Speaker, who said that the issue can be raised only after the Question Hour concludes. The Question Hour is very important for raising issues of public and it should not be disrupted, Lone said.
The PDP, however, raised slogans against the ministers terming them as "corrupt" and against the government.
The State Accountability Commission (SAC) last week had issued notice to the Chief Minister and other government boards, asking them to explain under what rules they had conferred ministerial status to various politicians who were drawing salaries and perks of ministers though not legally entitled to it.