Moscow: India and Russia on Thursday strongly asked all the actors in Syria to immediately end violence in the country, as External Affairs Minister SM Krishna said New Delhi does not believe in "reordering" society from outside.

"India`s position is the cessation of violent activities by all the actors on the stage," Krishna said. Addressing a joint news conference after his detailed talks on key international issues with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, in an obvious reference to the social engineering in the nations of West Asia and North Africa by the outside powers, Krishna underscored: "India does not believe in reordering society from outside".
"Violence in Syria must stop - whatever its origin. Violence in Syria originates not only from government structures as more and more weapons are being smuggled in from neighbouring countries," Lavrov said he likened the recent clashes between breakaway army factions attack on pro-government security headquarter with the conflict escalating into a "civil war". He said the Arab League should urge not only the Syrian authorities but also the opposition forces to end the escalating violence in the country.