Washington: Union Human Resources and Development Minister Kapil Sibal on Tuesday proposed to launch a "Connect to India" initiative to attract more American students to study in India.
US already has a similar "Passport to India" programme for facilitating US students to go to India for studies.
"While the world is coming together through technology, we must learn to appreciate, manage and preserve our diversity through education and learning by experience. No country on this planet is more diverse than India. I am sure that global students would understand and learn about management of diversity in India far better than elsewhere in the world," Sibal said.
"Towards this end, I propose, to launch a "Connect to India" initiative that will make available opportunities for students that will make available opportunities for students in the US to spend some time in our quality institutions for learning about our life, society, culture, economy polity and business," Sibal said.
The minister made these remarks at the opening session of the India-US Higher Education Dialogue which he co-chaired along with Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.
As "Passport to India" programme of the US, Clinton announced that seven companies have agreed to support internship to service linked projects for 225 American students over the next three years. "American students would soon be doing cutting edge research with Microsoft in Bangalore, developing new energy solutions at Honeywell in AP (Andhra Pradesh), and working on several projects with local NGOs," Clinton said.
The Secretary of State lauded Indian government for sending junior faculty for post-doctoral research.