Damascus: UN chief Ban Ki-moon has criticised the Syrian government for holding a national election while violence is still raging, and for failing to involve all parties.
“Only a comprehensive and inclusive political dialogue can lead to a genuine democratic future in Syria,” News24 quoted Ban’s spokesperson Martin Nesirky, as saying. “These elections are not taking place within that framework. Moreover, a democratic process cannot be successful while violence is still ongoing,” Nesirky added.
He further stressed that it is essential that there be a cessation of violence in all its forms and action to implement the six-point peace plan of UN-Arab League envoy Kofi Annan.
Most people in Syria have dismissed the Legislative Election as a sham that would do nothing to loosen President Bashar al-Assad`s grip on power. The election was called despite Syria being in the grip of an uprising against Assad, which according to the UN has left well over 9 000 dead since March 2011.