New Delhi: Possible cabinet expansion, Telangana statehood issue and the strategy to be adopted during the forthcoming by-elections are understood to have figured during discussions Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister N Kiran Kumar Reddy today had with Congress chief Sonia Gandhi. Reddy, who is here on a two-day visit, met Gandhi at her 10, Janpath residence and apprised her about the political situation in the state. Gandhi`s political adviser Ahmed Patel and party General Secretary in-charge of Andhra Pradesh Ghulam Nabi Azad were also present at the meeting.
Though there was no official word on what transpired at the meeting, sources indicated that the cabinet expansion, which has been long-pending, was discussed at the meeting. The speculation about a cabinet expansion gained momentum after his government won a no-confidence motion moved by Opposition Telugu Desam Party earlier this month.
The strategy to be adopted during the by-elections for seven assembly seats was also believed to have come up for discussions, the sources said. With Congress deciding to seek disqualification of 16 MLAs who voted against the Government, the number of constituencies that will go to by-polls will increase if the Assembly Speaker disqualifies the legislators.
The Telangana statehood issue is also understood to have come up for discussion.