New Delhi: Prime Minister Manmohan Singh on Thursday said India`s vote against Sri Lanka at the UNHCR was in line with its stand and wanted to ensure that concern was expressed to enable minority Tamils in that country to get justice.
Singh also said India did not want to "infringe" on the sovereignty of Sri Lanka.
"One has to weigh pros and cons. What we did was in line with our stand on Sri Lanka. We do not want to infringe on the sovereignty of Sri Lanka but concerns should be expressed so that Tamil people can get justice and lead a life of dignity," he told reporters here.

He was responding to a question on India voting in favour of the US-sponsored resolution that censures Sri Lanka on alleged human rights violations during the war against LTTE.

Singh had on Monday told Lok Sabha said India was "inclined to" vote in favour of the resolution which meets "our objectives" with regard to the future of ethnic Tamils.
"We are inclined to vote in favour of the resolution if the resolution will cover our objectives namely the achievement of a future for the Tamil community in Sri Lanka that is based on equality, dignity, justice and self respect," he had said.