London: Humans and aliens may share the same DNA, which could be part of a `universal structure`, according to a McMaster University researcher.
The building blocks of life exist in low temperatures and low pressure meaning they are far more likely to flourish than if they were more complex.
Whilst no concrete proof has been found yet, the finding makes it more likely they would develop on strange planets than had previously been thought.
Ralph Pudritz of McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario, put forward the theory based on existing research into amino acids.
In total there are 20 standard such chemicals, which contain the DNA from which human life developed.
Researchers have already synthesized the 10 which are thought to have existed millions of years ago - and also discovered these are most likely to be found on meteorites too.
Purditz has concluded that these 10 are simpler, need less heat and lower pressure than more complex acids, meaning they are more likely to survive in hostile environments.
And whilst the exact conditions of meteorites are not known, they are thought to be warm and hydrated which would make comparable conditions to a young Earth.
“This may implicate a universal structure of the first genetic codes anywhere,” the Daily Mail quoted Purditz as saying. “There`s a theory that they could be made in the warm interiors of large-enough meteorite`.
He continued: “Thermodynamics is fundamental.
“It must hold through all points of the universe. If you can show there are certain frequencies that fall in a natural way like this, there is an implied universality. “It has to be tested, but it seems to make a lot of sense,” he added.
Harvard University systems biologist Irene Chen, who specialises in molecular evolution, said the new work was `interesting` but hard to analyse without experiments to back it up.