Ahmedabad: Union Home Minister P Chidambaram on Wednesday advised the state Congress leaders to take advantage of the fissures within Gujarat BJP, as the Assembly elections are due in December this year.
Addressing the state Congress leaders at the party office here, Chidambaram said, "BJP is divided in Gujarat. Leaders like Keshubhai Patel, Sanjay Joshi, Suresh Mehta, Kanshiram Rana and Gordhan Zadafia have been ignored by the party and many voices are coming from their side."
This was the time for the Gujarat Congress to remain united and show the people that they were one, he said, adding that it was a good time for state Congress to take advantage of the situation.
He also advised Congress workers to take up the issues of the poor, scheduled castes, STs, minorities, women, etc, who had been ignored by the Modi government. Chidambaram also said that Modi government would go, as the NDA had gone in 2004, and Congress could come to power in Gujarat.
Chidambaram, along with fellow Union Ministers Ambika Soni and Salman Khurshid, was here to address media on the achievements of the UPA-II in the first three years. A state-based organisation of `parents of missing children` handed a memorandum to the Union Home Minister at the Congress office, requesting him to expedite the search for their wards.