Beijing: Major landmarks in China went dark as 124 Chinese cities joined the worldwide initiative to call on people to switch off unnecessary lights for one hour in support for energy-saving efforts and the prevention of global warming.
Initiated by the WWF in 2007, the `Earth Hour` project calls on all the people in the world to turn off their lights for a spell on the evening of the last Saturday of March every year, to promote energy-saving and sustainable development.
At 8:30 pm, the lights were turned off at major sites in Beijing, like the Great Wall at Badaling, the Water Cube and the National Stadium, placing the city among 5,000 urban centres in more than 140 countries to take part in Earth Hour. In Shanghai, lights were switched off at the municipal and district government offices and major buildings at the city centre`s Renmin Square, official media reports here said.
Universities in Chengdu and the northern city of Taiyuan switched off the lights and many students joined in mass walks or participated in art performances. The 124 Chinese cities that joined the project this year have also declared their commitment to environmental protection, Xinhua news agency reported.
More than 1,400 enterprises around the country have also registered for the Earth Hour project. PTI