Kolkata: BJP on Wednesday accused the UPA government of misusing CBI against political opponents and alleged Congress party had virtually turned the agency into a "Congress Bureau of Investigation". "Congress has been constantly using CBI against their political opponents," BJP President Nitin Gadkari told reporters here. Asked about corruption charges against former Karnataka Chief Minister B S Yeddurappa, he said "it is too early to make any allegation against him. The entire matter is sub-judice." To a question about the charges against mining magnates and Reddy brothers of Karnataka, he said investigation is in progress.
"As far as individual business is concerned, investigation is going on and action can be taken against them," he said. He expressed his party`s opposition to the entry of FDI in retail sector.
The party had yesterday admitted that in 2004 NDA election manifest, they had promised to allow 26 per cent FDI in the sector.