Patna: Bihar government is not in a position to implement the proposed Food Security Bill in its present form, Deputy Chief Minister SK Modi said on Tuesday. "We are opposed to certain provisions mentioned in the present draft for the bill ... The state doesn`t have adequate resources to implement the provisions," Modi told reporters.
Bihar did not object to the implementation of the Food Security scheme, but due to some of its provisions it would have to incur heavy expenses in its execution.
"The execution of the food security scheme would create a financial crisis if implemented in toto. Heavy fund is required for implementing the scheme in a state like Bihar," he said.
However, food security was an ambitious scheme and the Centre should make available the resources required for its implementation. "There are apprehensions that problems that cropped up during the implementation of the Right to Education Act and Sarva Sikasha Abhiyan, would recur in implementing the proposed Food Security bill ... The state government is asked to bear the expenses on a legislation enacted by the Centre," he added. Bihar had lodged protests with the Centre against several provisions of the bill and if it is presented in Parliament it would be opposed by the NDA MPs, he said.