Rio de Janeiro: Ronaldinho has received a lucrative offer to join a club in Switzerland, according to media reports in Brazil on Saturday.


The Lancenet news portal said the 35-year-old World Cup and Champions League winner had also attracted interest from Malaysian club Pahang FA, reported Xinhua.

But Portuguese businessman Joe Ze Mira Ferreira, who is acting as an intermediary for Pahang FA, said he had been discouraged by talks with Ronaldinho's brother and agent, Roberto Assis. 

"Roberto told me that a club has offered to pay him 10 million euros a year and we can't compete with that," Ferreira was quoted as saying. 

The portal added that that Ferreira believed the offer was from Switzerland. Assis, a former attacking midfielder, spent several seasons at Switzerland's FC Sion as a player in the 1990s. 

Ronaldinho is a free agent after leaving Fluminense last month following just nine games in almost three months.