Washington: India American Nikki Haley, the South Carolina governor, would campaign for Mitt Romney, the presumptive Republican presidential nominee, in Michigan.
Though one of the few national leaders to have endorsed Romney in his early campaign, Haley has been a bit late in joining the election campaign, while Indian American Bobby Jindal, the Louisiana governor, has been holding a series of election meetings in the last few weeks. According to Romney Campaign, Haley would attend office openings in Lansing and Ann Arbour, Michigan. She will also attend a roundtable in Lansing, Michigan.
She is expected to join small-business owners for a "Built By Us" rally tomorrow in Ann Arbor.
Haley too is being touted as the potential vice presidential running mate for Romney, who is said to be in the final stages of making a final decision in this regard. "Governor Haley will highlight Governor Romney`s plan to unleash the power of the American entrepreneurial spirit and create jobs for middle-class Michiganders who have been especially hurt in this Obama economy," Sean Fitzpatrick, a Romney campaign spokesman, told The Detroit News.