New Delhi: Investigators probing the Delhi High Court blast are vigorously pursuing the email sent from Kishtwar in Jammu and Kashmir and believe that the other three e-mails claiming responsibility for last week`s terror strike were pranks.
Official sources said the investigators have brought the hard disks of the computers of the cyber cafe in Kishtwar to Delhi for forensic examination to find out whether the set time of any one of the computers was changed before sending the e-mail which claimed that HuJI triggered the explosion. Several youths of the town were being questioned by the investigators who zeroed in on a particular youth who allegedly sent the email.
The call records of the youth were also being examined to find out whether he had received or made call to or from abroad and to or from Delhi before and after the blast which has claimed 13 lives. "We want to be doubly sure before taking any further action," a source said.
Investigators believe that the other three emails, including the one purportedly sent by the Indian Mujahideen, were not sent by anyone having any links with the blast and appears to be pranks.
"But we are keeping everything open and nothing could be ruled out," the source said.