Jammu: Over 18,000 persons have travelled on `LoC permits` through Poonch-Rawalakot and Uri-Muzaffarabad routes since the opening of these routes. "18,601 persons have travelled on Line of Control (LoC) permits through Poonch-Rawalakot and Uri-Muzaffarabad routes since the opening of these routes," Chief Minister Omar Abdullah said in a written reply to a question of PDP member Murtaza Ahmad Khan in Legislative Council today. He said that no application has either been received or processed for grant of LoC permits to persons other than the members of divided families.
In reply to another question about the status of opening of Jammu-Sialkot, silk route, Nowshera-Chinger and Tattapani for trade and travelling, Omar said that there is no such proposal pending before the state government.