Zeenews Bureau
Islamabad: Pakistan Tehrik-i-Insaf party (PTI) chief Imran Khan has revealed that al Qaeda and Osama bin Laden were trained by Inter Services Intelligence (ISI) and financed by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) to tackle Soviet Union two decades ago.
Reports, Wednesday, claimed that Imran said this while talking to Assange in 9th episode of his show.
The PTI chief said that Osama Bin Laden and the entire al Qaeda were trained by the ISI and CIA 20 years ago, but after the 9/11 disaster the US did an about turn and started treating Qaeda as its enemy. “These people (Qaeda) were assets of the Pakistan Army. They were trained by the Pakistan Army and the ISI, financed by the CIA, but they were fighting the Soviets,” he said.
“Now suddenly comes 9/11 and you do a 180 degrees turn,” he added.
Slamming Pak-US ties, Imran said that it was a “client-master” relationship, where America used Pakistan as a “hired gun”. Mincing no words Khan said that America was using Pakistan to kill its own enemies.
“Pakistan is a hired gun, being paid to kill America’s enemies,” lashed out Imran. He said that because 40,000 Pakistanis have been killed by their own Army which was “fighting for America”.
Regarding Osama raid on Pak soil by US Navy SEAL on May 2, Imran Khan said it was the “ultimate humiliation” for Pakistan.
Slamming the US’ unilateral Operation Geronimo, he said that “Our ally did not trust us and actually came and killed someone on our own soil. It was that the two factors combined: the sacrifices, and secondly, here is an ally of which - are we a friend.”
With Agency Input