Ottawa: Canada`s top diplomat went to Tripoli to reopen its embassy and announce funding to help Libya`s ruling National Transitional Council secure weapons stockpiles.
Foreign Affairs Minister John Baird traveled in an armored convoy to meetings in Libya`s capital yesterday, accompanied by Canadian officials and business leaders seeking to restore trade ties with the war-ravaged nation.
On the trip were representatives of Suncor, SNC Lavalin, Pure Technology, the Canadian Bureau for International Education and the advocacy group Rights and Democracy.
"Our government remains committed to protecting the Libyan people and supporting their efforts to build a brighter future for themselves," Baird said in a statement.
He offered Canada`s "congratulations on the transformative events that have been taking place in Libya, since the fall of Tripoli," according to a pool report. "The establishment of a new government is exciting," he said. "We`re excited by the roadmap towards (electing) a national congress. We`re excited about the future role of women in Libya."
In Tripoli, the minister met with NTC chair Mustafa Abdul Jalil to discuss the progress of Libya`s transition from the rule of strongman Colonel Muammar Gaddafi.
As well, he announced a contribution of $10 million to help secure 23,000 shoulder-to-air missile launchers and chemical weapons in Gaddafi`s arsenal. The money is part of a larger international contribution.
"The security situation in Libya is still quite volatile and the risk of these items falling into the wrong hands or injuring civilians is very real," Baird said. "Canada sees this disarmament as a top priority in making Libya and the entire region safer."
Officials said Abudl Jalil told Baird he was prepared to declare the country liberated when Sirte falls. It is the last city with a port and airport still held by Gaddafi loyalists.
Officials said Tarhouni told Baird the NTC is reviewing old oil contracts to determine their legitimacy and noted that Libya is now producing 400,000 barrels of oil per day -- one-quarter of its pre-war output.
Baird also hosted a round table with Libyan women`s rights advocates, and met with representatives from non-governmental organizations, Libya`s social affairs minister Anwar Abu Shagur and oil minister Ali Tarhouni.