New Delhi: Congress general secretary Digvijay Singh on Saturday accused Anna Hazare of provoking violence, in an apparent reference to his reaction over the attack on Union Minister Sharad Pawar. In two of his posts on the microblogging site Twitter, Singh said, "Anna "Gandhian" - Provokes Violence. Bedi"X Cop"- Urges People to break Law Kejriwal"X IRS"- Returns Donations to Anonymous.
"Shanti Bhushan "X Law Minister"- Promises to fix Judges.Pranab Da How right you are ! Where is our Country going?" Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee had condemned the incident immediately, wondering "I don’t know where the country is going".
In another tweet yesterday, Singh had wondered whether there was a connect between the statement of BJP leader Yashwant Sinha that rising prices could lead to violence and Hazare`s remark of "only one slap" over the assault on Pawar.
"Strongly condemn cowardly attack on Sharad Pawarji. Yashwant Sinha`s statement, this incident, Anna`s reaction. Is there a connect?
"Never expected Anna to react the way he did to Sharad Pawar incident. It certainly was not a Gandhian Reaction," Singh had said
In two more tweets, the AICC general secretary had continued the argument.
"Tie up people and beat them up if they drink liquor, send people to mental asylum whom you don`t agree, hang people without trial.
"Are we moving into a Fascist Mode? Throw rose petals on Police Officers accused in false encounter, beat up people whom you don`t agree with," he had said.