Chennai: Tamil Nadu Uniformed Service Recruitment Board (TNSURB) will declare TNUSRB Police Official Answer keys 2017 on Thursday.


Check or to access TN Police exam answer key 2017.

The candiadtes who appeared for the exam on May 21 are eagerly waiting for TNSURB Police Constable official Answer Key 2017 PDF to estimate their scores.

TNUSRB Recruitments

Common Recruitmnet for GR. II Police Constables, GR. II JAIL Wardens and Firemen

Sub-Inspector of Police (FINGERPRINT)

Sub-Inspector of Police (TECHNICAL)

Sub-Inspector of Police (Taluk/Armed Reserve/Tamil Nadu Special Police)

Tamil Nadu Special Police Youth Brigade (Limited to role assigned under TNSPYB ACT 2013)

- After a "One-time registration", candidate can apply in any of the future recruitments conducted by TNUSRB for which he/she meets the eligibility criteria.

- TNUSRB will verify the documents uploaded by the candidates related to the eligibility criteria and claims with regards to community reservation, special quotas / special categories.

- Candidate will have to apply for each recruitment separately but will not have to upload new documents except for additional qualification (if acquired) and special quotas/special categories (if needs updation).