New Delhi: We upgraded the facilities based on technology as the digitisation trends continue. Along with them, there are some such risks, which keep looming. One such risk is the passwords associated with mail, banking, or any other app, which once leaked can cause a lot of loss.


The affair is like remembering the password, people make it very simple, but it makes the job of crackers easier. In the research done by NordPass, it has been told about some such passwords, which if someone keeps in any corner of the world, it is a matter of pinch to find out. You should also check if your password is also on this list.

However, there are some such popular passwords, which people keep in the process of remembering and call trouble for themselves. Similar passwords include – '123456', 'ABCDEF', and 'I love you.' In the research done by NordPass in the year 2020, 200 such passwords have been signified, which can be the most dangerous.

Let's have a look at the top 4 of those passwords.

At the top of the list is '123456', the most commonly used password. The second top-ranked password is '123456789', which can be cracked in seconds. The third password in this list is itself – 'password' and cracking it is not a difficult task.

The fourth common password is 'qwerty', which is also easy to crack. The interesting thing is that even in the year 2022 research, these four are on the top in the list of easy passwords, whereas in the year 2020 also people used to keep such passwords.

Note: The data shown here are collected in the research of Nordpass.