Instant messaging platform Telegram, which is fast gaining users in India in the wake of a WhatsApp privacy row, on Wednesday has introduced several new features. This is aimed at countering its rival apps such as WhatsApp, Signal and others. These features include auto-delete messages for individual chats, groups and channels, expiring invite links, scannable QR codes as joining invites, home screen widgets for Android and iOS, among others.


Earlier, the auto-delete feature was only available for Secret Chats and now users of Telegram will be able to set a timer of 24 hours or 7 days in any chats before sending messages.

After the selected timeframe, the messages will disappear for all the users in a group or channel, or for the single recipient in an individual chat.

In groups and channels, only admins are able to enable this feature or edit it.

All the messages show a countdown to their deletion time, users can track the time to specific messages by simply tap on Android or press and hold on iOS.

Auto-delete only applies to messages sent after the timer is set, earlier messages will stay in the chat history, Telegram said.

Another feature is called expiring invite links where users will be able to send invite links that come with a limited duration, a number of uses or both. Also, invite links can be converted into scannable QR codes for sharing. In addition to that, there are also new emojis.

A new form of Telegram group called Broadcast Groups has also been introduced to allow participants to connect with a live voice chat.

Telegram said it has also made it quicker and easier for users to report any spam content or fake accounts, any content related to violence, child abuse, pornography, etc.