Homegrown messaging platform Telegram today has come up with a massive update on its platform for both its Android and iOS-based apps. The WhatsApp rival will include the ability to add up to 1,000 viewers in a group video call, increase the resolution of video messages, give three different video playback speed options to users, which includes sound from the device in one-on-one screen sharing, new precision drawing features, passcode animations, password recovery and reminders, a new in-app camera on iOS, option to send a message to multiple recipients in a single go on iOS, and new animated emojis.


Besides that, Telegram has also come up with a minor change in its current features. The messaging platform already has an auto-delete timer feature which basically allows users to put a timer to all messages that are shared on its platform. This could be set only for one day or one week. But there is an update now as Telegram has made the third addition to its list. From now onwards, users can set a timer for a month and the chosen message or messages will automatically delete after a month.

Coincidentally, Facebook-owned WhatsApp also comes with disappearing messages that allow users to set a timer on the messages shared. However, unlike Telegram, messages on WhatsApp disappear after a week.

Here’s how to enable the auto-delete timer feature in Telegram:


Step 1: Open the selected chat windows in Telegram.

Step 2: Tap on the three dots.

Step 3: Tap on the Clear History option.

Step 4: Pick a duration.

Step 5: Tap on Done.


Step 1: Open the concerned chat windows in Telegram.

Step 2: Press and hold the message.

Step 3: Tap on the Select option at the bottom.

Step 4: Click on the Clear Chat option on the top-left corner of the chat window.

Step 5: Tap on Enable Auto-Delete option.

Step 6: Select a timeline that meets your needs.

Step 7: Tap on Done option.

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