Homegrown app Telegram has come up with a lot of features after its inception. This was done to make chats easier than before. Its Secret Chat feature has chats that are end-to-end encrypted and a self-destruct timer can be set to these conversations. 


Recently, the messaging platform unveiled another improved version of the Voice Chat feature on its platform.

Telegram also has a pin feature which is quite similar to WhatsApp as it helps users to pin important messages or chats in the app.

Here’s how to pin a chat in Telegram:

Step 1: Open the app.

Step 2: Long press on the chat that you want to pin.

Step 3: Tap on the Pin button.

Here’s how to pin a message in Telegram:

Step 1: Open the chat in which you want to pin a message.

Step 2: Go to the message you want to pin.

Step 3: Long press on the message that you want to pin.

Step 4: Tap on the Pin option.

Step 5: Tap on ‘Pin for me’ option if you want to pin the message just for yourself.

Step 6: Tap on ‘Pin for me and (contact name)’ option if you want to pin the message for you and your friend.