Popular messaging platform WhatsApp had already launched a dark mode feature for app and web users a few years ago and this feature has become handy in these tough times when people are constantly looking for help on social media.  


Therefore, it is important to know how to enable/disable the dark mode on WhatsApp on Android and iOS. 

How to enable dark mode on WhatsApp app on Android

  • Visit the WhatsApp app
  • Click on the Settings menu
  • Then go to Chats option
  • Choose Theme option displayed right on the screen
  • Then select dark mode, toggle on the option to change the screen to dark theme.


How to enable dark mode on WhatsApp app on iOS

  • Open the WhatsApp app on your iPhone
  • Open the Settings menu
  • Click on the Display & Brightness option
  • Tap on the Dark option to enable system-wide dark mode

How to enable dark mode on WhatsApp Web

  • Go to WhatsApp web https://web.whatsapp.com/
  • Click on the three dots at the top of the screen
  • Click on the Settings menu
  • Tap on Themes
  • Click to see three options: Light, Dark, System Default. Select Dark from the list.

How to disable dark mode on WhatsApp app

  • Open the WhatsApp app
  • Click on the Settings menu
  • Click on Chats option
  • Select Theme option displayed right on the screen
  • Then select the dark mode option there, turn it off. The option to change the screen to light theme.


How to disable dark mode on WhatsApp Web

  • Click on the https://web.whatsapp.com/
  • Check the three dots at the top of the screen
  • Click on the Settings menu
  • Tap on Themes
  • Select Light from the list shows. The screen will show three options: Light, Dark, System Default.


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