With the controversial WhatsApp privacy policy coming into effect from May 15 for its over 2 billion users including more than 400 million in India, the Facebook-owned messaging platform has tweeted assuring users that it “can’t see your personal messages”, and that it “won’t delete your account.” It further added that users can accept the new privacy policy at any time.


WhatsApp has said that after giving everyone time to review the privacy policy from May 15, after a period of several weeks, the reminder people receive will eventually become persistent.

After persistent reminders, the users will encounter limited functionality on WhatsApp until they accept the updates.

The users won't be able to access the chat list. After a few weeks of limited functionality, they won't be able to receive incoming calls or notifications and WhatsApp will stop sending messages and calls to their phones.

However, the users will eventually have to accept the WhatsApp privacy policy if they continue to use WhatsApp services.

The selected WhatsApp services will continue only for a few weeks as it will eventually stop users from receiving incoming calls or notifications essentially cutting off services which further boils down to the fact that users will have to accept the new policy or end up losing their WhatsApp account.

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