Adilabad: The Adilabad police has filed the charge-sheet in the November 24 gang-rape case in the fast track court set up by the government for the speedy trial, sources said.


Last week, the Telangana government had set up Special Judge for the trial of the case under the Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes (Prevention of Atrocities) Act, 1989.

The Fifth Additional Sessions Court in Adilabad district was set up as the special court for the speedy trial and disposal of the case that was registered in Lingapur police station.

The incident occurred on November 24 where the woman was gangraped by three men and the accused after raping her had cut her fingers and then slit her throat while the victim was pleading to leave her alone. 

The police have nabbed the three accused persons - Shaik Babu, Shaik Shaboddin and Shaik Maqdoom - in connection with the case and remanded them to judicial custody.