Jagtial: In a shocking incident, a 25-year-old woman was allegedly kept in chains inside a room by her relatives. The woman has now been rescued by the police.


The incident took place in Telangana's Jagtial. 

Geeta, who lived with her brothers and their wives, was kept in chains and locked in a room. 

Eye-witnesses found her sobbing in front of the house, her hands tied with iron chains. She reportedly told her neighbours that her brothers and sisters-in-law have been torturing her. She further alleged that they forced her to do all the household chores.

The victim lost her father a few years ago and came to live with her brothers. She claims to have pursued Bachelors in Arts (BA) and worked as a teacher.

The police have begun the investigation.

The woman's family, on the other hand, said that she was not mentally sound since she was 11-year-old, and that she was chained to stop her from running away. The family further claimed to have spent Rs 11 lakh on her treatment and even produced the bills and documents of her medical treatment, said the police.

With ANI inputs