New Delhi: Actress Shilpa Shinde, who is currently enjoying her break from the small screen after winning the coveted Bigg Boss trophy, seems to be now gearing up for her return. The actress will reportedly make a comeback with comedy king Sunil Grover in a comedy show.


Ever since the reality show got over, Shilpa has been enjoying some quality time with her near and dear ones, away from the media glare. Recently, she also went on a family trip to Goa.

The news spread like wildfire when producer Preeti Simoes, the mind behind shows like Comedy Nights with Kapil Sharma, The Kapil Sharma Show and The Drama Company, shared a picture of the two on her Instagram handle.

Shilpa and Preeti have been spotted on many events and have been posting pictures on social media.

Preeti captioned the picture of Sunil and Shilpa as, "Wassaapp !"

It would be really interesting to see two supremely talented actors, Shilpa Shinde and Sunil Grover together in a show. Sunil is the ultimate comedy king, who is known for his characters 'Gutthi' and 'Dr Mashoor Gulati, While Shilpa had pulled off her comic character 'Angoori Bhabhi' effortlessly in &tv's superhit show 'Bhabhiji Ghar Par Hain'. Her ouster from the show left all her fans heartbroken but now they can feel happy.

Shilpa Shinde was known for her love-hate relationship with fellow contestant Vikas Gupta inside the Bigg Boss house. They had plans of doing a web series together but that doesn't seem to be happening anytime soon.