In Monday's episode of 'Kumkum Bhagya', Rhea and her friends put the drugs in Prachi's bag and the police find it and arrest her. Abhi tries to stop the cops but they threaten to arrest him too. Shahana and Abhi try to get Prachi out on bail. However, Pragya doesn't find out and leaves to meet Rhea.


Catch a sneak-peek of the next episode here.

In tonight's episode, Purab is driving a car which Aliya is asleep in. His car meets with an accident and the victim in the other car is Disha who is knocked unconscious. Shahana calls Pragya and tells her to come to police station soon. She says that Abhi is also arrested by the police. Pragya says she is at the police station and goes to help. Will Pragya be able to save Abhi and Prachi? Stay tuned to find out.

Watch the latest episodes of 'Kumkum Bhagya', now streaming on ZEE5.