Mumbai: Ever since Priyanka Chahar Choudhary made her smashing entry in Bigg Boss 16, she owned it. There have been several reports doing the round of her doing Ektaa Kapoor's Naagin 7, after Bigg Boss 15 winner Tejasswi Prakash. One picture of Priyanka as a lead serpent has been going viral on the internet and the fans are expressing their excitement to see her in the show. But seems like this isn't happening, as Priyanka refused to do Naagin 7. As her picture as Naagin is going viral on the internet, Pinkvilla exclusively spoke to the actress, where they quizzed her doing the show. Priyanka refused and mentioned she isn't doing Naagin 7. Dening the rumours she said, "No, I am not doing Naagin".


There has been news circulating of Priyanka doing Naagin 7 and her morphed pictures as Naagin avatar are making fans believe so. But looks like PCC isn't keen on doing any TV shows for the moment. While fans are waiting with bated breath for her to announce her next very soon.

Naagin 6 starring Tejasswi Prakash went off air in July and ever since then fans of the show have been wondering who Ektaa Kapoor has cast as the next Naagin. Earlier along with Priyanka, Sumbul Touqeer, Rubina Dilaik, Ayesha Singh's names too was doing the rounds for the show.It will be interesting to see who will be the lead in Naagin 7.