After Rohan Bopanna, India's ace tennis star Sania Mirza also slammed the All India Tennis Association (AITA) and stated that the sports body has denied the nation from a medal opportunity in the upcoming Tokyo Olympics, which is scheduled to start from July 23. 


Bopanna in a tweet stated that the International Tennis Federation (ITF) didn't accept any entry request for him and Sumit Nagal. He added that AITA mislead players by claiming that the pair still had a chance to make the cut for Tokyo 2020. 

Apart from Mirza, former tennis stars Mahesh Bhupati and Somdev Barman also shared their views in this regard.

Here's what they said: 

AITA responds

Taking note of Bopanna’s allegations, AITA secretary general, Anil Dhupar, said that the sports body tried their best to send a double's team before adding that a player should not depend on withdrawals to qualify for Olympics.

“All formalities started on June 17 and we also wrote taking a chance that if Sumit being single’s player is also entitled to have a doubles partner. So that’s why we changed the nomination from Rohan-Divij to Rohan and Sumit for the Tokyo Olympics,” Dhupar was quoted as saying by ANI

“All offices were closed on Saturday and Sunday, ITF is closed. I don’t know why he is saying all this. If you are so good why are you depending on people’s withdrawal? You are a world-class player you should enter the Olympics on your own, why are you depending on withdrawal." 

“I don’t understand..and where is the problem from the federation. AITA has done its very best to ensure that Rohan and doubles players go to the Olympics so that we also get a chance to play mixed doubles. Entry into the Olympics is not in the hand of the federation. There is law and provisions for that,” he added. 

AITA had initially paired Bopanna and Divij Sharan for the men’s doubles event at the Games but the pair couldn't make the cut due to its low combined rank of 113.

After Nagal's entry in the men’s singles event because of several pullouts, AITA had proposed to pair Bopanna and Nagal in the men's doubles event at the Games.