The health of former Uttar Pradesh chief minister Kalyan Singh, who earlier tested positive for coronavirus infection is stable, a hospital official said on Tuesday. The former Rajasthan governor was admitted to the Sanjay Gandhi Postgraduate Institute of Medical Sciences (SGPGI) on September 14 at 6.30 pm after he tested positive for COVID-19.


According to a health bulletin released by the SGPGI on Tuesday evening Singh is afebrile and maintaining 100 per cent oxygen saturation on room air. The former CM doesn't have a fever and his BP is also normal. He has been shifted to a private room and is under observation due to comorbidities.

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"The condition of Singh is stable. He is afebrile and maintaining 100 per cent oxygen saturation on room air. He is not having a fever and his BP is also normal. He has been shifted to a private room and is under observation due to comorbidities," the bulletin read.

Singh, 88, had complaints of fever, dry cough and breathlessness, SGPGI Director R K Dhiman had said on Monday. "He (Kalyan Singh) was having a mild illness. But, he is stable and is on room air," Dhiman told news agency PTI on Tuesday. 

Kalyan Singh's grandson and state minister Sandeep Singh had confirmed on Monday that he had contracted the coronavirus. The UP Technical and Medical Education Minister said this on his Twitter handle and prayed for the 88-year-old BJP leader's recovery. "I pray to Lord Ram for your speedy recovery. Our best wishes are with you," Sandeep Singh tweeted referring to his grandfather.