Allahabad High Court Verdict on Gyanvapi: ASI team reached Varanasi commissioner office, discussed the survey

Zee News Aug 03, 2023, 12:08 PM IST,

Allahabad High Court Verdict on Gyanvapi: The ASI team has reached the Varanasi commissioner's office, there can be a discussion about the survey. It is believed that the ASI team can reach Gyanvapi in a short while to conduct the survey. Earlier, in the Gyanvapi case, a big decision of the Allahabad High Court had come, in which the High Court had ordered a survey of Gyanvapi, on the Gyanvapi survey, Vishnu Jain, the lawyer for the Hindu side, said that the High Court rejected the petition of the Muslim side, which had stopped the survey. Is done. At the same time, the Muslim side has decided to go to the Supreme Court.


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