Controversy sparks on Zakir Naik`s statement over Waqf Board Bill

Written By Yashwant Bhaskar | Last Updated: Sep 10, 2024, 11:54 AM IST | Source: Zee News

Waqf Board is a name on which controversy and discussions are going on... many such cases have come to light. Where the Waqf Board suddenly claimed someone else's land that was hundreds of years old and the real owner of that land did not get justice.Regarding all these controversies and demands, the Modi government had presented the Waqf Amendment Bill during the monsoon session of the Parliament, but after huge opposition, it has now been sent to the JPC. Just now this issue was being discussed in JPC when a statement has again flared up this issue... and the statement has come from thousands of kilometers away... from where India's fugitive Zakir Naik is trying to instigate people.


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