Rahul Gandhi Smriti Irani Fight In Parliament: स,सद मे, राहुल -ा,धी स्मृति ईरानी की हुई लड़ाई

Written By Yashwant Bhaskar | Last Updated: Aug 09, 2023, 18:06 PM IST | Source: Zee News

Union Minister Smriti Irani today alleged that Congress MP Rahul Gandhi blew a flying kiss while leaving parliament after his speech on the No-Confidence Motion. "Only a misogynist man can blow a flying kiss to parliament that seats women MPs," Smriti Irani said, referring to Rahul Gandhi - who was reinstated in parliament yesterday. Mr Gandhi's action "lacked dignity", she charged. BJP women MPs have complained to Lok Sabha Speaker Om Birla over Mr Gandhi's alleged "indecent gesture", accusing him of insulting women.


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