Taal Thok Ke: Modi`s 24 fours, power through `Vandan` of `Shakti`

Zee News Sep 19, 2023, 20:56 PM IST,

Taal Thok Ke: This morning all the MPs gathered in the old Parliament building and a photo session took place. After this, a ceremony took place in the Central Hall before the commencement of the House proceedings in the new Parliament. After the conclusion of the program in the Central Hall, the MPs entered the new Parliament. Today the Women's Reservation Bill has also been introduced in the new Parliament. PM Modi's cabinet had approved the Women's Reservation Bill on Monday itself. In Taal Thok Ke, there was a heated argument between Congress spokesperson Sadhna Bharti and BJP spokesperson Rakhi Rathore, after which Deepak Chaurasia somehow handled it.


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