R.R. Gopal, Nakkeeran editor and official emissary in the kidnapping drama, returned to Chennai early on Thursday morning after his second round of talks with forest brigand Veerappan. "Our editor reached Chennai around 5 a.m. He is scheduled to meet the Chief Minister (Karunuanidhi) around 11 a.m.," a source in Nakkeeran told Zeenext.
"We do not know as to what the message Gopal is carrying this time from Veerappan. I'm not sure whether he is carrying a tape or not," the source added.
Gopal has been negotiating with the forest brigand to secure the release of Kannada matinee idol Rajkumar and three others. Karnataka Cabinet meeting

The Karnataka cabinet is meeting at 10.30 a.m. where it will discuss the latest development. The TADA designated court judge in Mysore is scheduled to pass the judgment on whether to grant bail to the 51 TADA detenues on Thursday.
The release of these detenues had been opposed by Abdul Kareem, father of a police officer slain by Veerappan. He has moved the Supreme Court now. The apex court is also scheduled to hear the case on Thursday.

The release of the detenues is one of the preconditions by Veerappan for the release of the hostages.

Bureau Report