Janamashtmi also known as Krishnastmi is celebrated on the eighth day of the month of Bhadra in Northern India as it was on this day Lord Krishna was born to annhiliate the evil king Kansa of Mathura. Lord Krishna’s life is associated with a lot of interesting events. Prionka Jha looks into some of these.

  • Auspicious birth of Krishna

  • He was the eighth child of Devaki and Vasudeva, the cousin of the ruling King Kansa. Many saints foretold that the eighth child of Krishna would kill Kansa. On knowing this Kansa killed all the children born to them. But somehow, Krishna was saved and when he grew up he gave up his pastoral life and turned his attention to destroying his wicked uncle, Kansa. On slaying Kansa he restored a peaceful reign in Mathura and rescued his parents.
  • Nand Kishore, the makhan chor

  • When Krishna was a child he was very fond of eating butter. So much so, that at times he used to steal it to eat. One day Prabhavati thought of catching Krishna red-handed as she was suspicious of him stealing it. Thus she kept the butter in an earthen pot and hung the pot from the roof. No one was aware that she had tied a bell along with the pot. So, that when ever some one touches the pot she comes to know of it. On seeing the pot hung from the roof, Krishna felt that something was wrong.
    He felt the need of checking what was in the pot. He managed reaching the pot and the very sight of butter in it tempted him to eat. The moment he started eating Prabhavati caught him and tied him to a wall. When Yahoda (who had brought up Lord Krishna) came to know asked Krishna if he had stolen and eaten butter, who denied with a straight face. Not realising that he had stains of butter on his face. Yashoda was convinced that Krishna used to steal and eat butter (was the Makhan chor). Yashoda punished Krishna for this episode.
  • Legendary friendship of Krishna-Sudama

  • Sudama and Krishna became close friends in sage Sandipani’s hermitage. After completing their studies, both went their way. Krishna became the king of Dwarka. Sudama began to lead the life of a devotee, reading scriptures etc.
    Due to Sudama’s austere life style his family had to face difficulties. On seeing their children suffer, his wife persuaded Sudama to meet his old friend Krishna. Sudama then set out on a journey to Dwarka with a small bundle of powa as gift for Krishna.
    On meeting each other, both Krishna and Sudama were filled with joy. Krishna and his wife Rukmini gave a hospitable welcome to him. Krishna noticed that Sudama was hesitant in giving him the gift that he had got. Krishna literally forced Sudama to part with the gift and ate it.
    Next morning Sudama bid them farewell. On reaching home he saw a huge mansion in place of his hut and his wife and children were wearing costly clothes. Sudama was overwhelmed. He knew it was his friend and the “lord of the universe” Krishna who had bestowed such good fortunes on him.
  • Surdas, the dedicated devotee of Lord Krishna

  • In a village near Delhi was born a blind boy to a priest. Neither his family nor the villagers cared for him. He was mocked at, shooed away etc. One day this blind boy let home and joined a band of travelling singers. They fed the boy but never wanted to be burdened by him. So, at dawn the left leaving him sleeping.
    He sat the lake the next morning and sang with sincere feelings. This made everyone stop and listen to him. When he grew up slightly, one day he dreamt that Krishna has called to him. On his way to Vrindavan he fell into dry well. He waited patiently to be rescued.
    On the seventh day he heard a voice call out to him, “Hold my hands, I will pull you out.” This boy disappeared as soon as Sur came out of the well. Surdas was convinced that this was Krishna himself.
  • Battle of Mahabharata

  • The lord knew all along that the truth and honesty was on the side of the brave Pandavas. He also knew the results. But like a true “karmayogi”, he exhorted Arjuna, the great warrior, to fight the war without thinking about its outcome. This great sermon is part of an Indian legend called “Bhagvat-Gita”. It is a great philosophical treatise as well. It exhorts an individual to go on performing ones duty without thinking about its results.
  • The onset of Kaliyuga

  • One day after the end of the Mahabharata war, Yudhistara expressed his unwillingness to rule for the time being and insisted that he must leave for the forests to meditate. Later on he could resume his duties. Lord Krishna smiled and said, “Then perhaps you would not be able to rule as Kaliyuga has already arrived.” He asked the five brothers to go indifferent directions and meet him in the evening. The five Pandavas left in different directions. Yudhistara saw to his surprise that n elephant with two trunks is standing. Arjun saw the Vedic mantras and the religious stories inscribed on the wings of a bird but it was eating flesh. Bhim saw that a cow was fondly licking its calf so much so that the calf had started bleeding. Sahdev was amazed to see that five wells were filled with water but the well in the middle was empty. Nakul saw a rock falling down which could not be stopped by the big trees or other rocks on the way down, but stopped when it hit a small straw. Amazing! By the evening everybody told Lord Krishna about their experiences. Krishna explained that the elephant with two trunks symbolised that in Kaliyuga there would be rulers who would exploit the people from both ends. The story of the bird implied that though on one hand people in Kaliyuga will perform religious acts and duties. But on the other hand, they will desire for the material pleasures.
    The moral of the cow and calf story was that the people in Kaliyuga would feel so possessive about their kith and kin that their capabilities and confidence would be destroyed forever. The empty well implied that the rich would spend a lot in show and pomp but would not even care for their poor neighbours. The falling rock symbolised that though people would possess a lot of wealth but they would have no peace of mind. Nothing would be able to hold them except chanting the small little name of Lord Rama.